This visualization depicts carbon monoxide (CO) concentration over Asia. The data was generated from a simulation of 2022 weather conditions to coincide with the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical and Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP), a flight campaign that was completed at the end of 2022. In this flight, scientists traveled from Osan, South Korea over eastern Asia and the Pacific to gather similar data from the environment, then compared the results to the simulated data.
Ren Smith (NCAR/ACOM), Jun Zhang (NCAR/ASP), Shawn Honomichl (NCAR/ACOM)
Ren Smith (NCAR/ACOM), Jun Zhang (NCAR/ASP), Shawn Honomichl (NCAR/ACOM)
Matt Rehme (NCAR/CISL)
Python, Blender, OpenVDB